User profile: ajh32

User info
User name:ajh32
Bio:I'm a Senior Software Engineer currently working in the UK financial sector. I program primarly in MFC C++, with experience in STL, COM, XML, XSLT.
Number of posts:638
Latest posts:

CListCtrl & sort icons
I have decided to write a small CMFCListCtrl extension class that overrides the Sort function in w...

CListCtrl & sort icons
I have Owner Data set to true on as I populate the List CTRL via the message LVN_GETDISPINFO. If...

CListCtrl & sort icons
Here is where this code resides: [code] BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CXbrlMetadataExtractorDlg, CDialog) ......

CListCtrl & sort icons
I have a CListCtrl in a CDialog on which I capture the ON_NOTIFY message LVN_COLUMNCLICK, and then...

Problem with extended CHeaderCtrl
I've resolved the issue. I initially setup a test project consisting of a CDialog on which I place...