User profile: mekkatorqu

User info
User name:mekkatorqu
Number of posts:389
Latest posts:

Linux GUI Lib + Compiling multiple files
@Stewbond I appreciate your effort, but I can't count how many times I just face-palmed myself whil...

Linux GUI Lib + Compiling multiple files
I've read some not so good reviews on QT and I have few libs that I want to try (wxWidget, JUCE, gtk...

Linux GUI Lib + Compiling multiple files
Hello, I recently started programming on Linux and I had enough of console, so I'd like to start ...

[Win32 API] Drawing screen to client area & draw something on screen
so I have this code to draw screen to client area every 100ms [code] HDC hDC = GetDC(hWnd); ...

40 billion in variable
@MiiNiPaa thanks! @Lachlan no, I'm getting 8