Im trying to create a program that will replace letters in a string(A with Z; B with Y; C with X; D with W; etc).
So if i input:
But the problem is it should only modify a letter once.
For example, if I input
Revolution, it would give me -> IVVLLGRLM (not correctly replaced) because it would replace the same letter twice.
One way of performing this sort of encryption is to use multiple alphabets (with their substitutions) and changing the alphabet as encryption proceeds. E.g. two alphabets - one for odd characters and one for even characters. Or, have a once only alphabet for each character - I wish you luck keeping track of that with a simple program.
It seems like you are replaceing one letter at a time (all A to Z, then all B to Y, etc.). Try to replace one character at a time: look at first character, replace it, look at second, replace it.