by admin
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[no replies]
by Cronnoc
Strangest Programming glitches
[9 replies] Last: So do games like that basically have to re-invent <cmath> to avoid flo... (by Ganado)
by axtyax
Books for c++?
[2 replies] Last: LOL. (by Duoas)
by Sleicreider
Any "modern" advanced C++ book/ebook/pdf?
[2 replies] Last: Effective Modern C++ by Scott Meyers (by ResidentBiscuit)
by helios
Do you cycle to work? (1,2)
[25 replies] Last: dont cycle but it would be good... (by jeckblack)
by Codex23jv
What do you on your spare time when you're not programming?
[10 replies] Last: Eat Try and learn more about programming Sleep (by chowmein)
3D OpenGL Tutorial |
[15 replies] Last: OpenGL 1.1 is 18 years old. woopsy ! I said my ears are wet :)... (by chowmein)
by Avilius
Is Anyone Participating in "The Week of Awesome III"
[3 replies] Last: Yeah, that's it in a nutshell from my understanding. I guess it doesn... (by Avilius)
by Ganado
Come and talk about your latest dumb mistake!
[3 replies] Last: Probably not the latest one, but: const double cm_per_sec = SPEED_COE... (by MiiNiPaa)
by coder777
Rest in peace Maxim Shemanarev
[3 replies] Last: @Duoas You should find out who has authority over his estate, and ask... (by coder777)
by Filorn
searching ide
[7 replies] Last: Hi, I like QtCreator - there is an entire framework there that has al... (by TheIdeasMan)
by knn9
Third week of record breaking heat...
[15 replies] Last: To add to OP's mention of Washington State's record high, Britain rece... (by chowmein)
by Kevin C
New C++ tutorial for beginners - opinions wanted!
[8 replies] Last: Yes, for the time being, the tutorials are assuming Visual Studio 2013... (by Kevin C)
by James27
What job do you have/ want to have?
[10 replies] Last: What manner of manner of men are these who wear the red beret? They ha... (by chowmein)
by benafton
need linux hosting with centos dedicated server
[2 replies] Last: I'm not familiar with goDaddy but for your particular web hosting need... (by chowmein)
by James27
Ban the user above you 2015 (1,2,3,...,11,12,13,14)
[268 replies] Last: Unban James27 because he is a tender soul. (by chowmein)
by FireCoder
What is made in c++?
[2 replies] Last: (by Homberto)
by zowief1
Creating a C++ class for Highschoolers
[2 replies] Last: Does it have to be a traditional class? My high school CS professor ju... (by LB)
by ArtisticMess
after school learning
[7 replies] Last: I use code academy - - a friend recommended... (by chowmein)
by Duoas
More FAQ updates (1,2,3,4)
[64 replies] Last: Re: small set approach It depends on where you wish to offload process... (by Duoas)