by admin
Welcome -- read before posting!
[2 replies] Last: How To Answer Questions in a Helpful Way Be gentle. Problem-relat... (by admin)
by Zolaboony
Console Closing Down (1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
[120 replies] Last: It displayed "Hello world" after you pressed Enter. int c is a ... (by Duoas)
by Bogeyman
DMA using new[] and delete[]
[4 replies] Last: Yes that is the analogy I was referring to (by Disch)
by cGuru
Error: Expected A ";" On Class Object Declaration Line
[no replies]
by AngelicaEms
[2 replies] Last: The world doesn't revolve around you Gamer :P I used google translat... (by giblit)
bytes to megabyte conversion |
[6 replies] Last: You need C++11 for trunc. Compile with -std=c++11 or -std=c++0x Al... (by Ganado)
by jhykima
Visual Studio
[4 replies] Last: Step by step tutorials here - from setting it up in Visual Studio to p... (by shawnlau)
by djselect24
If statement help.
[5 replies] Last: else if (stateArray != "texas" || stateArray != "Texas") That will... (by Ganado)
by Filorn
ordering algorithm
[2 replies] Last: The first thing I notice is that your swap function does not work. yo... (by Gamer2015)
by IceStorm
Code::Blocks CRASH!!!
[5 replies] Last: I tried deleting default.conf, but now it says the compiler that was p... (by IceStorm)
by jgreenwo13
Trouble with searching for strings in code
[3 replies] Last: Is counting "the" in "thethethethe" esp. useful? The spaces allow us t... (by andywestken)
by etrusks
my count_if() implementation doesnt work
[3 replies] Last: Ohh, thanks guys so much :) (by etrusks)
by jjwooyoung
get() is reading double digit as individual digits
[1 reply] : The get() function reads one character . If you want to read numbers... (by Peter87)
by andrebruton
Reading binary data in human readable format
[4 replies] Last: Hi Andy Thanks for the lead. I'll look into it in more detail. Doesn'... (by andrebruton)
by overlander27
need help with using rng and returning strings from functions
[1 reply] : string USER_VS_COMPUTER (string RNG_GUESS()); Declare USER_VS_COMP... (by MiiNiPaa)
by DCisthebest
[11 replies] Last: I removed do { } while (yes != 1); and added const unsigned short Agel... (by DCisthebest)
by phztfte1
Use of cin to enter value pairs into STL map
[1 reply] : std::map< std::string, int > read_map( std::istream& stm = std::cin )... (by JLBorges)
by jpanther
Sorting my second array?
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> #include <string> // return the position of the ... (by JLBorges)
by Kenota
Writing code for Rock, Paper, Scissors game.
[2 replies] Last: @Kenota Here is your program, shortened. And it can be compressed eve... (by whitenite1)
by tcanna
Geologic Time (enum)
[10 replies] Last: So, I finished it off and I used a random number generator so it can p... (by tcanna)