by samarth123
string error.
[4 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <string> int main() { std::string s... (by JLBorges)
by samarth123
[6 replies] Last: You can't with you current logic; as I just said, you need more logic!... (by andywestken)
by samarth123
string program
[2 replies] Last: thanku .it worked :) (by samarth123)
by heepoo
segfault from strcat
[10 replies] Last: I've just released a new version (v2.2) including the filter descripti... (by oim oim)
by umka6970
how to protect array field form changing in one function
[6 replies] Last: Ok. I get your idea and I am sorry to - not accurate explanation, i tr... (by umka6970)
by cppnoob25
Not sure how to implement a deque
[2 replies] Last: I am curious why you are implementing your Deque using std::vector. ... (by andywestken)
by olette
Unsure of why program is getting errors
[8 replies] Last: Thanks for all your help, I ended up fixing it somehow. (by olette)
by Cronnoc
Communication between classes
[2 replies] Last: Nevermind I found a solution. I am implementing an Event system into m... (by Cronnoc)
by wcassella
C++ most vexing parse
[2 replies] Last: Why don't they just get rid of the ability to do that that backward c... (by MiiNiPaa)
by prestokeys
friend declaration of a template function of a template class
[1 reply] : AFAIK, the friend declaration ought to be: template <typename T, typ... (by JLBorges)
by cppnoob25
Binary tree remove function
[11 replies] Last: You're right. That is a lot easier. I will look through that link as w... (by cppnoob25)
by a7med92
Seeking help
[1 reply] : Try and post some code, then ask for help. or write "fake code" (how... (by Bdanielz)
by kibocha
Get a specific word from a line
[5 replies] Last: Thanks will try use find() (by kibocha)
by spacecamp
Setting variable typename after initialization
[16 replies] Last: Well i already decided that i wouldn't be using this on database serve... (by spacecamp)
writing data using C++ in RFID tag's microchip |
[1 reply] : That all depends on your schema, doesn't it? The most simple RFID chip... (by Computergeek01)
by extremecoder
Codeblocks doesn't work on windows 8 or 8.1
[3 replies] Last: But at the same time, you shouldn't need either 'glew' or 'sndfile' fo... (by Computergeek01)
by gucri
C++ programme
[1 reply] : your codde, indented #include <iostream> using namespace std; int mai... (by ne555)
algorithms |
[8 replies] Last: Repeat the steps with all possible combinations (downward) until you h... (by coder777)
by Ceset
Strings, Localization, Unicode and UTF
[2 replies] Last: It would take a lot of time to completedly learn all those i guess. (by Ceset)
True random number generator |
[19 replies] Last: helios 3. Although not explicitly stated here, all addresses are al... (by ncomputersorg)