Expert C++ Programmer

Since 2002, we developed Graphics Software that performs most of the painstaking work of creating data-driven slides for professional Excel and PowerPoint users. PowerPoint slide creation is one of the most popular things professionals use a computer for. Thus, it is rather surprising that while intelligent software revolutionized many things we frequently do, such as web search in our browser, or telephone speech recognition in a call center, office productivity software has not changed much over the past decade or so. think-cell is out to change this. We stand out from the crowd of other presentation software because we are willing to do the leg work of developing sophisticated algorithms and refining our user interface, which makes working with our software so satisfying for our users.

We are looking for smart, creative developers with a solid theoretical background. You should be able to look at a problem from the user's perspective, discuss abstract concepts with fellow developers, as well as produce an elegant implementation. Developers we have hired in the past mostly hold an exceptional master's degree in computer science or even a doctorate.
Here, we like flat hierarchies. You will work largely independently and will be responsible for the whole range of activities when implementing a new feature. We expect each of our developers to do architecture, design, implementation and bug fixing, rather than splitting these activities between several people. We thus minimize communication losses and put everyone in control of their own work. Your ideas are welcome, even if they mean that we have to change a lot of code to make things better.
We have published several scientific articles in the areas of Artificial Intelligence and Computer Graphics and we will encourage you to do the same. We sponsor visits to conferences and have close connections to universities and research institutes in the U.S. and Germany.
We encourage a healthy work-life balance. We do not work at night or on weekends, and support our staff's families with a full-time company nanny. She is available for free when children are sick, or if you just feel like spending an evening out.
We pay very competitive salaries, and offer our developers EUR 120,000 annually following one year of employment. If necessary, we will go out of our way to help you relocate to Berlin, and will do what we can to help you acquire a work permit.
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can you leave an email address or something?
I have around 12 year experience in C++. Can i work with you from India?
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