Hello I just finished my 1st year of computer programming, and I'm worried about not retaining what I've learned. What I was wondering was if someone could give me some websites,to check out to further my learning on my own; or just to keep me occupied.
This site is excellent for that, you should explore it and take advantage what is given here. Start off with the tutorial section to refresh what you have learned so far then from there start practicing problems from your school book.
Do whatever you are interested in, honestly. Are you interested in processing natural language(NLP) or writing AI? Read some books about it and write some AI. Interested in writing compilers? Read about compilers. Read about game development? Read links from these: http://www.cplusplus.com/forum/beginner/128489/
Anyway; best way to learn programming is to program, period.
thanks a lot everyone I really appreciate this. I just want to learn as much as I can. After 7yrs of switching majors in collage I went back to my 1st love of computers . I kind of want to hit the ground running lol. thanks again!
I use code academy - http://www.codecademy.com/ - a friend recommended it to me and it's been great so far for brushing up on "Code 101" stuff and exploring new things.