searching ide

Hi, now i'm using dev c++ for coding but i heard there are some new IDE for coding, like visual c++. Which is the best in your opinion?
Visual Studio
Visual Studio plus the Visual Assist extension is the ideal working environment for myself when coding in C++ or C# for a prolonged session.

Otherwise if I just need to change something quickly, or test something out I usually turn to Sublime Text Editor or Atom

Visual Studio 2015 Release Candidate (Pretty stable I found)

Visual Studio 2013 (I prefer this at the moment because Visual Assist doesn't support 2015 yet)

Visual Assist Extension (Free Trial, Student Discount, 100% worth the money imo)

Sublime Text

thank you very much zereo but which version of visual studio i should download? Ultimate or premium?
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I would recommend just going with the Community edition since it is free. Specially since they now allow extension and plugins on the community edition.
As someone who is a bit of a slob and used to spend almost as much time coding as switching IDE, I found the best to be Code::Blocks. Sure VisualStudio is more full-featured but it's so heavy and slow. I changed to C::B and am very happy with it. Fast, lightweigh, and has all major features: debugger, codecompletion and all the other things that you dont even use. And lots of plugins
I use code::blocks most of the time myself. It does a decent job, though there it has been crashing quite a bit recently, and some newer c++11 features seem to break the auto-completion system.

Visual Studio is good, though I don't like some of the mechanisms that they use, and much of the code that has worked in previous environments has taken some severe fandangling to get into visual studio.

If you feel like getting into it VIM and VI are pretty fun to work in, takes some getting used to but it also makes you feel pretty awesome to use them- of course VIM (VI iMproved) does have a few handy features that VI doesn't. If you're on windows you can manage to use them, but i've had better luck in linux environments.

Eclipse is okay- they've done a good job with their IDE, it's just not my flavor

on OSX XCode is actually super nice to work in.

if you're going to mix c++/java code for android soon android studio will be awesome, though they haven't released an update to their canary branch for a month (I'm sad now)

if none of those work for you, notepad++ is absolutely marvelous, it doesn't do much of the work that the other IDEs do but what it does do it does well.

I like QtCreator - there is an entire framework there that has all that one might ever want.

Also KDevelop, which is a highly mature application with which one can compile over 100 different languages/scripts.

I use both of these under Linux OS - which I recommend for anyone in CS. You should still be able to get versions of these IDE's & compilers for windows.

In terms of compilers, clang++ seems to be the best (of the free ones), from lots of accounts.

Good luck :+)
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