by Codex23jv
Who else is taking a break?
[7 replies] Last: Oh don't get me wrong, I don't need to learn what's covered in the A+ ... (by Cheraphy)
by jhykima
Landing a paid Software Engineer/Developer position
[4 replies] Last: @ultifinitus Thank you so much for your response. I will make sure I ... (by jhykima)
by andywestken
Extended Welcome mail?
[6 replies] Last: Free time is my cancer. Please note that it is also 3:30am, and I have... (by S G H)
by yj1214
Windows 10 is free, should I install it? (1,2)
[21 replies] Last: I have to agree that Windows 10 is probably their best yet, far from ... (by Softrix)
by Codex23jv
What is your Dream car? (1,2)
[20 replies] Last: Lamborghini Aventador Superveloce (by Cody0023)
by BinaryDonuts
OpenGL or DirectX
[3 replies] Last: This is incredibly vague and has no answer. It ultimately depends on ... (by Avilius)
Need a new computer.
[8 replies] Last: £350 (by SatsumaBenji)
by admkrk
Fractal Music
[no replies]
by softwaretime
Disappearing PHP Variables
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, this worked for me. I was trying to save a PHP file with text ... (by softwaretime)
by Codex23jv
More of a Discussion Bad or Not?
[9 replies] Last: This thread is brought to you by: Chrome Incognito Mode. For those ti... (by Homberto)
by LB
Visual Studio 2015
[3 replies] Last: (Visual Studio Code) (by BinaryDonuts)
by Codex23jv
Is it possible?
[4 replies] Last: That is what I'm going to start doing forcing myself like you said. I ... (by Codex23jv)
by Disch
Hillary Clinton is the worst (1,2)
[34 replies] Last: If you watch the longer version, with the reply, it is even more ludic... (by admkrk)
by vzista
Best way to Learn C++ and C++/MFC
[4 replies] Last: For what its worth, MFC isnt required for Windows applicatons and does... (by NoXzema)
by tunexf
Microsoft Certification
[no replies]
by GeekStatused
Programming principles by bjourne or c++ primer
[8 replies] Last: hello, I liked c++ template metaprogramming by David Abrahams and Ake... (by mmw)
by a2coding
Attention All Bitcoin Miners
[1 reply] : Have you considered vising the bitcoin reddit? I'm sure you're not the... (by LB)
by hsunr
question minecraft c++
[10 replies] Last: Minecraft's old codebase (pre 1.0) was excusable for that reason. It w... (by TheRabbitologist)
by Codex23jv
Ever experienced this?
[8 replies] Last: I've always wanted to shave my head but I just don't have the guts, I ... (by a2coding)
by letscode
Good book for learning C++11/C++14
[2 replies] Last: Amazon has real nice function -- they let readers post reviews. Scott ... (by gennny)