Lounge (Page 4)

by koopey
big black screen for coding
In sitcoms like Silicon Valley, whenever computers are shown in the background, they have this big b...
[19 replies] Last: What you described reminds me of a text editor called sublime text. Ma... (by mindoo)
Where you see c++ in 10 years
Where you see c++ in 10 years in terms of: jobs, money, functionality, software, GUI's, usage, and p...
[no replies]
by LB
Receiving credit for your work (1,2,3,4)
One of the arguments I often see in favor of intellectual property law, copyright, patents, etc. is ...
[76 replies] Last: [quote=zepher]Clearly he did fully accept his views as wrong by his ac... (by LB)
Worst ISP Experience
My ATT internet has been unable to do things like Google or use Google maps, pull from git repositor...
[3 replies] Last: Relevant xkcd: https://xkcd.com/806/ (by ModShop)
What would you tell your friend/relative if they asked you to explain some of your coding (programs)
assuming that your friend/relative has no prior experience with coding.. What would you tell them...
[10 replies] Last: Lately I've got more of a knack for structuring large programs into in... (by SatsumaBenji)
by admkrk
It does not seem like I can make new topics. They show up blank in preview and the length stays at 0...
[no replies]
Manage your time?
How do you manage your time with learning c++ in between you have work and school for college? I ju...
[4 replies] Last: Lol! Yeah, I wouldn't be able to do that, if the teacher ask me a ques... (by Codex23jv)
Lifting makes you smarter?
What's up everyone! I was reading in a article that lifting weights actually makes you smarter, and ...
[6 replies] Last: Yes, I'm of aware of that phrase :) also my neighborhood swimming pool... (by Codex23jv)
What are you doing?! (1,2)
[32 replies] Last: Coding :p (by toad1359)
Programming vs. Markup vs. Scripting?
Can someone explain to me in BASIC and easy-to-understand words what the difference is between the f...
[7 replies] Last: That's the main difference is how the language gets from text to 'actu... (by Duoas)
A new month, a new OS
Microsoft just announced that windows 7 or 8 users can get a free upgrade for window 10. There is a ...
[11 replies] Last: Yes, along with other things that will be released, such as Visual Stu... (by Avilius)
Pages: 1234
  Archived months: [may2015]

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