User profile: James27

User info
User name:James27
Location:Best place on Earth
Bio:Hello! Names James and great to meet you!
I'm new to coding but I really love everything about it I've seen and heard. I'm a wanna be parachute regiment officer. I love details and operations etc of guns. I love history and being outdoors but I'm a noob so sorry in advance ;)

On weekends I do like to play a fair share of COD and Battlefield 4 on my ps3 Online name is: tominaterx

History. Weapons. The British army, air fix models, medal of honour, call of duty, PLAYING THE PIANO, cycling, Fire, guns, CRICKET, CODING, RUNNING, walking, aviation, planes, guns as a whole etc... And above all: The Parachute Regiment.
Number of posts:129
Latest posts:

Ban the user above you 2015
Ban Chowmein for being weally mwean *sniff sniff*

Ban the user above you 2015
Ban S G H and FireCoder as I don't get the joke....

Ban the user above you 2015
I tried all CPR's under the chrome windows

Ban the user above you 2015
I ban S G H for all the steam on my windows and killing my blackberry.

What job do you have/ want to have?
Whoops my b ad, thanks for the heads up mate!