Ban the user above you 2015

Pages: 123... 14
This a game, I have found it popular on other forums.
Here are the rules:

You must ban or not ban the user above you for some reason involving:

1. Their post

2. Something involving them

Don't just say "banned because I want to." Please give a good reason, because, its the only way this game will be fun. I will start:

I Ban the person above me for not existing.

Have fun!
Please note, no banning will take place unless necessary.
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I don't think the non-existant user above you cares much about the fact that he, she or it is banned, because they don't exist in the first place.

Edit: Bobby accidentally reported me xD, its all good, was a misstake :)
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I banned the person above me.
reason: saying non existant people dont have feelings
Banning the person 3 places above me for this game
closed account (2LzbRXSz)
I ban the person above me for "breaking the rules" of this game. They're supposed to be above you, not two posts above you
@James27 never mentioned anything about Banned users not being able to ban.

So I ban the person above me for not being able to count to 3.
closed account (2LzbRXSz)
I don't ban the person above me, because they pointed out my mistake.
(Sorry about that)

Edit: Once someone is ban, are they considered out? And can others unban people?
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I ban the guy above me for not knowing the rules.
I ban the user above me for also not knowing the rules, you banned an already banned user.

(this thread is stupid)

Edit :
Once someone is ban, are they considered out? And can others unban people?

Dont take whatever this thread is seriously, do whatever you want :D
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closed account (2LzbRXSz)
Can I ban this thread?
Be my guest
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closed account (2LzbRXSz)
I hereby declare this thread banned.
I ban myself.

Threads open again boys
I ban you for re-reopening the thread.

I thought the thread was banned, not closed. :o(
I just assumed banned and closed went hand in hand, but I see the confusion. My friend, Ive been banned more times than I can count, I couldn't care any less at this point :D I'll give you the honor to officially close this thread.
I ba
closed account (2LzbRXSz)
Oh, I wasn't sure how to actually close it, so I just called it banned lol.
I ban myself for double posting.
I ban myself for double posting !
Pages: 123... 14