by tcanna
Battle ship, trouble compiling know where, not why
[6 replies] Last: Ok, so it works. Is there a way to label my columns as letters, I know... (by tcanna)
by jpanther
sorting arrays from top-down
[5 replies] Last: Thank you. I might try and do a new post so people don't get confused.... (by jpanther)
need to have user end when desired and not enter 0s or letters in my calculator program |
[2 replies] Last: As typeid tests the type of the variable, which will always be double ... (by andywestken)
by ctaylor4874
Sorting two arrays (parallel) question.
[3 replies] Last: What happens if, in the second code you say works, you change, if (m... (by CodeWriter)
by kingkush
Copying an array into another array but in reverse
[4 replies] Last: I see that makes sense. I appreciate you helping me with all this! You... (by kingkush)
by agda
Why doesnt this program Work?
[3 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> // YOU NEED THIS #include <s... (by CodeWriter)
by kingkush
How do i let the user determine the size of an array?
[8 replies] Last: using std::cout and std::cin are more specific and clearer than u... (by vickoza)
by Bogeyman
Class Questions (1,2,3)
[53 replies] Last: Sounds like Abstract Base Class ( ABC ). Which is legitimate design ch... (by MiiNiPaa)
by braiinsz
Hangman - trouble with strings
[1 reply] : strcmp compares strings (char*). And it looks like you are trying to p... (by MiiNiPaa)
Questions about a pre-defined piece of code
[2 replies] Last: (1) is an constructor with an initialisation list (the preferred way t... (by mutexe)
by Arslan7041
Why does this program work?
[9 replies] Last: Assumes rather than knows. "C-string" is a convention that a char* p... (by keskiverto)
by shawnlau
Multidimesional vector constructor question
[9 replies] Last: in the second constructor in the post above, the parenthesis represen... (by MiiNiPaa)
Scope Handling Ideas |
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the idea about stacks. I can't believe that I forgot about ... (by MaxterTheTurtle)
by shawnlau
Assigning iterator and integer in same statement
[2 replies] Last: You're right. You can only declare one variable in the for statement, ... (by shawnlau)
by Arslan7041
Size of char array decided by user input?
[15 replies] Last: 2. Just the string (using index-based instead or iterator-based access... (by andywestken)
by Shrinjay14
Program returns weird output
[1 reply] : at line 123, TPri = i-6 gives the same index every time round the lo... (by Jaybob66)
by mzzz
how to explain this phenomenon
[2 replies] Last: > My question is why not *pc is 0xd2 and *(pc + 1) is 0xce? ... or a... (by JLBorges)
by D0CHollywood
Homework Assignment - Using array of structs with binary files
[6 replies] Last: Thanks so much MiiNiPaa. I appreciate your it working. (by D0CHollywood)
by MrAnts
How to check if array[0] is ""
[5 replies] Last: But you still need to make your array bigger: if you say to getline th... (by MiiNiPaa)
by omurad
Copying a string to clipboard
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