Where can I get a full list of all the functions that "#include <windows.h>" has? |
[4 replies] Last: or does the name of the procedure matter at all? The name of the pro... (by andywestken)
by Inrush
Combine WinPcap-packages
[no replies]
by Albuquerster
How get status print spool driver
[no replies]
Convert UTC to local time using SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime? |
[1 reply] : The standard library provides everthing you need to deal with date/tim... (by coder777)
by cali
Acting on the value of EXIF metadata
[2 replies] Last: I see, thanks for the help! I hadn't thought to cast it to char. (by cali)
Context Sensitive Help Visual Studio 2013 |
[6 replies] Last: It gets worse! Now the context sensitive help for some old commercial... (by sparafucile48)
by joe7
CreateDIBSection question
[3 replies] Last: I've only ever come across double buffering being done with a Device D... (by andywestken)