Windows Programming (Page 3)

by ajh32
Problem with extended CHeaderCtrl
I've created a class that extends the CHeaderCtrl class, for use with my class that extends the CL...
[4 replies] Last: Ah OK... The reason you're code was working my my PC but not mine is ... (by andywestken)
by zontop
Save dialog problem
Hi I call a save dialog to save a xml file (ex: a.xml), then save a clone of it(ex: a_clone.xml) to...
[1 reply] : I don't understand. Where it is supposed to save the backup copy silen... (by modoran)
Rand in visual studio
Alright so I've recently began writing a card game program that stores cards in an array. I shuffle ...
[6 replies] Last: Can you eliminate the need for a global? Andy (by andywestken)
win32- how can i get the string rectangle for resize the control?
how can i get the string rectangle? i did with DrawText() with DT_CALRECT, but when the string is c...
[5 replies] Last: after some information and several tests i found the problem.. my prob... (by Cambalinho)
How exactly can you make bold text in a richedit control?
I have been trying for the past few hours trying to figure out why the text in my Richedit Window wo...
[5 replies] Last: PART 2 OF 2 //IDD_TEST DIALOGEX 0, 0, 174, 195 //STYLE DS_SETFONT | ... (by andywestken)
by mindoo
Winsock errors
Hey guys, I'm following a tutorial on msdn on how to make a client and server with winsock and I ca...
[no replies]
by reald
Save data in .dat file
Hello I have this in my program SKIP; for(k = 0, pc_new = pc; k < 6; k++) { for(n = ...
[no replies]
How Message in Windows 7 shutdown interface output ?
Similar: Windows Update After the update is complete Output: "Please do not power off or unp...
[no replies]
by stav
how to draw graphics / make a GUI ?
hi, so I just started learning c++ and I'm getting a bit tired of my console applications I want t...
[2 replies] Last: also, iv never been a big fan of libraries or any kind of "pre-made-... (by freddie1)
Converting A File Into Bytes And Re Creating It
Hi there, I would like to take some files I have, a dll and a inf file, and convert them into a char...
[11 replies] Last: wow what I great forum, great answers on every question, help me a lot (by Marlena13)
calling WCF services from native C++
I'm having some trouble connecting to a WCF service from my MFC(VS2010) application and hoping that ...
[no replies]
Use C++ Programming Implemented system hang ?
Is there any way to get windows 7 operation system to hang when shutting down or reboot the system ...
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sending and receiving files using winsock
How to implement it properly? This is what i have so far Receiver else if(command == 'f'){ ...
[1 reply] : You never check the return codes of send/recv. How do you synchronise... (by kbw)
by t30
i need help .. exe file safe mode
Hello, I do not understand English well .. i need unpack safe mode exe file .. help plz .. i need r...
[2 replies] Last: I want to change the resource form .. and resource edit program .. say... (by t30)
How can I make my application open a window that gives you access to all the directories on your computer?
I am currently working on a word processor and i want to make the option that lets users open and sa...
[3 replies] Last: You marked this as solved so I take it you figured it out? In case yo... (by ahcfan)
AVStream & Portcls user mode
I'm in the process of writing a user mode driver for audio streaming. So I'm trying to design my pro...
[no replies]
Why wont my function properly make a menu bar in my application?
I have been trying to create a menu bar in my windows application but the bar will not show, can any...
[2 replies] Last: i wrote menu example while ago: (by tath)
DirectX Application and Distribution
I'm developing an application in Visual C++ 2010 that uses DirectX 9 and I'd eventually like to dist...
[7 replies] Last: The problem with DirectX is very common. Especially when you install t... (by Grey000)
by mindoo
winsock error : 'stderr' was not declared in this scope
Hi everyone, I started following beej's guide to network proggraming (here :
[9 replies] Last: Oh, found it ;-) (by mindoo)
User interface for console app
Hi guys, I have been working on converting my console application to windows application to impleme...
[1 reply] : For the first one, you must missed some steps like settings the runtim... (by liuyang)
Pages: 12345
  Archived months: [may2015]

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