Windows Programming (Page 2)

Winsock Acronyms
I'm working on some Winsock code and I'm wondering if anyone can tell me where I can find definition...
[1 reply] : The MSDN documentation for winsocket: (by coder777)
by Kalist
CreateRemoteThread - ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED
I think my code is finally working now. Only problem is that for some reason, even though I've opene...
[2 replies] Last: Hello, First thing I would like to check is are you running your test... (by veridetour91)
Read CMD-Output
Hey, I want to send data from one pc to another one using sockets. But that'a not the Problem ;)...
[4 replies] Last: That's a bad way to solve the problem. Use pipes instead - it won't be... (by S G H)
by Kalist
What's the difference GetProcAddress() and CreateRemoteThread()?
Now as I understand it, GetProcAddress links a DLL function into the current process memory, and the...
[1 reply] : 'GetProcAddress()' simply tells you where a function can be found with... (by Computergeek01)
by Kalist
Can't get CreateRemoteThread() to work
I'm having trouble getting the CreateRemoteThread function to work, I've followed tutorials and they...
[1 reply] : What about this isn't working? If you find that "calc.exe" is crashing... (by Computergeek01)
Firstly, i would like to apologize for posting here,the reason being i coudnt login to java forum (a...
[4 replies] Last: This is a C++ forum. (by helios)
WinApi vs standard library?
Hello every one! If I wanted to do sth in winapi app, is it better to use standard library or win...
[5 replies] Last: Ok, sorry for that slang and thank you for replay, guys. So it's safe ... (by TheHardew)
How do I add a shellexecute function opening program with appendmenu function? a
How do I use the shellexecute function with the appendmenu function to open a program? These are ...
[no replies]
Writing C++ on a Windows Computer
Hello, curious question. I want to practice some C++ before college just to get the feel of the lang...
[7 replies] Last: If you're looking for a really clean text editor there is Sublime Text... (by giblit)
How can i make my program call a function in the moment when an item is chosen from a combo box list?
I just made a combo box that is contained inside a Rebar control. The combo box is designed to conta...
[1 reply] : Never mind. I figured it out. (by SomeAmazingGuy)
by dmradu
printer spool app
hi! Can you help me with a simple app? i want an app that will interact between the print button an...
[no replies]
Any tutorials for making a GUI in visual c++ or netbeans?
Hello, I am trying to make a gui for something i'm working on in visual studio. I have made tons a...
[1 reply] : The reason one 'seems' to make GUIs with a header file (windows.h) is ... (by freddie1)
undefined reference to `__gxx_personality_sj0'
Sorry to bother you guys again, still having trouble with compiling wxwidgets and boost into my app....
[1 reply] : It has to do with exception handling / using incompatible compiler. Re... (by coder777)
Async WinINet - HttpSendRequest() Crashes Program
Well, I don't exactly know what to post for this one.... So, I have this: char* msg1=const_cast<ch...
[1 reply] : To anybody in the future: 1) Make sure your IntenetStatusCallback fu... (by Homberto)
Is learning GUI worth it
Its probably something I might try to get into tommorow just wanna know is it still worth learning i...
[6 replies] Last: [quote=ahcfan]Also, if you plan to distribute your programs then the a... (by Computergeek01)
MFC Application help
Hi, I am new to C++ and have been given a task that involves creating an MFC dialog-based applicat...
[2 replies] Last: I did actually put it in there first, but I was not getting anything s... (by Lpark34)
internet explorer newWindow3 event cancel navigation
Hello! The newWindow3 event of the internet explorer has a parameter that determines whether the ...
[no replies]
undefined reference to `boost::system::system_category(), but I already have -lboost_system
Hi All, Getting this error from a cpp library I'm trying to port from Linux to Windows, using code:...
[1 reply] : Someone on stack overflow gave me the answer, recompiled boost with th... (by Gemmab89)
by peteB
'createfile ' method..file handling conflict / files overwriting each other
Hi, I'm hoping this question is a recognisable issue to experienced windows programmers.It's the ki...
[11 replies] Last: And I violated my cardinal principal above about error checking even t... (by freddie1)
by mrSami
Using CryptApi in C++
I want a simple(Explained) example for using CryptApi to Encrypt/Decrypt Send/Receive Data over netw...
[1 reply] : What do you know so far? How are experienced are you with the C and\or... (by Computergeek01)
Pages: 12345
  Archived months: [may2015]

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